Continuous Renewal

Oct 09, 2024


To avoid the “all or nothingness” of perfectionism, I’ve been working on embracing the concept of continuous renewal! By factoring in derailment as part of the journey, I can focus my efforts on creating a toolbox of habits and choices that help me get back on my feet not if  but when I stumble. 


Here are a few of my favorite ways to begin again:


1. 30 Minute Sweep: Set a timer for 30 minutes and work as hard and fast as you can on tackling one daunting task that is weighing on you! Clean the kitchen, answer those emails, start the laundry, weed your garden, clean out the fridge! The possibilities are endless.


2. Power Nap:  Just a 20 to 30 minute rest can jumpstart your energy! 


 3. Change of Scenery:  Leaving your house or dorm room to work at a coffee shop or library can be a refreshing change that promotes creativity and productivity.


 4. Walk outside:  When you feel like you are running out of steam at  2:00 pm, getting your blood pumping with a walk outside is a great mood lifter! A brisk walk can increase your alertness a help you finish out the day with more attentiveness and positivity. 


5. Brain dump:  Writing down everything that is stressing you out is a powerful tool for relieving mental exhaustion. Clearing your head by listing your worries and to-dos on paper creates order from chaos. The to-dos can be prioritized and scheduled into your planner and the worries can be offered to God in prayer, leaving your mind calmed and quieted. 


6. 3-2-1- One of our favorite resets is an exercise we call “3-2-1”. It consists of: 

Three deep belly breaths to help lower your cortisol levels 

Two Jesus Prayers (“Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have mercy on me a sinner”) to help with surrendering your anxieties to Christ

One minute of silence to bring you back to the present moment where God and His strength abide


7. Reframing:  When stuck in a negative mindset, reframing exercises help us view our trials, fears and frustrations in a more positive light. Challenging yourself to recognize the potential for growth within difficult circumstances infuses them with meaning and eternal significance.


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